Bruno Houdmont appointed as CEO of Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg

Frank Wagener joins the Board as independent director

Bruno Houdmont has been appointed as CEO of Bank Degroof Petercam Luxembourg, subject to approval by the supervisory authorities and by the general shareholders’ meeting. He takes up his new role as of December 6 on and will replace Philippe Masset who assumed the function ad interim.

Bruno Houdmont (°1960) is a seasoned banker who worked for more than 30 years at ING Group. He has built up a vast international experience in Asia and Europe and gained extensive executive management experience. Over the past seven years, Bruno Houdmont was Country Manager and CEO of ING Bank in Switzerland. Previously, he held senior executive positions within the ING Group in China, France, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Bruno Houdmont has obtained a Master in Law at the Université Catholique de Louvain and a Master in European Law at the University of Ghent.

We welcome Bruno as the new CEO of our Luxemburg entity. Carrying a wide-ranging skill-set and a vast international experience in managing regional entities, he will help us to continue to develop services at the benefit of our clients in the Luxemburg market which forms a vital part of our growth strategy”, says Philippe Masset, CEO of Bank Degroof Petercam.

Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg also appointed Frank Wagener as a new independent member of its Board of Directors, subject to approvals by the supervisory authorities and by the general shareholders’ meeting. Frank Wagener (°1952) is a Harvard Business School alumnus (AMP) and has gained extensive banking experience in Luxemburg working more than 30 years for the Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL). He holds numerous mandates in companies and entities such as La Bourse de Luxembourg, Luxempart, Saint-Paul Luxembourg and Hunter Douglas-Rotterdam.

“Frank Wagener is a reputable and highly qualified banker. We believe his insights and knowledge can help us further grow our anchoring and reinforce our reference status in the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg”, claims Alain Schockert, chairman of the Board of Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg.

Alexandra Niehe

Head of corporate communications

Thomas Van Rompuy

Senior Executive Advisor - media relations, economics, Bank Degroof Petercam

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Arnaud Denis

External Communication, Degroof Petercam

Alexandra Niehe

Head of corporate communications, Degroof Petercam

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